Child custody is one of the most important decisions in a child’s life. As a result, it is important for the child’s preference to be considered. Read on to learn more about the role a child can play in a New Jersey custody decision.
Is a New Jersey judge required to take a child’s decision into account?
In New Jersey, a judge is required to take a child’s decision into account in certain cases. If the child is old enough or considered mature enough, his or her decision may be factored into the arrangements. However, it is important to know that each situation is unique. A child’s preference may impact an arrangement, but it will not be the deciding factor, as custody is very delicate and a number of elements will be considered.
What other factors impact custody?
In addition to a child’s opinion, a New Jersey judge may also consider:
- Each party’s ability to provide stability
- Whether the parent will act in the child’s best interests
- The relationship between the child and the parent
- The physical health and safety of the child
- The needs of the child
- The location and proximity of each parent’s home
What types of custody are awarded in New Jersey?
Physical custody is awarded to the parent with whom the child spends most nights of the week. This parent is mainly responsible for providing a safe and stable home and basic necessities. As a result, this parent may be awarded child support to help supplement some of these costs. Many parents share physical custody. Legal custody can be awarded to one or both parents. This allows the parent to make important decisions in the child’s life, regarding education, religion, healthcare, and more. It is important to know that you may be able to obtain legal custody, even if you do not receive physical custody.
If you have any questions or concerns about child custody in New Jersey, our firm is here to help. Reach out today to speak with an experienced family law attorney.
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