When a couple makes the decision to get divorced, they will be required to determine a number of factors that are contingent on the current circumstances in their lives. However, no one can make a decision today and know if it will still be the right decision ten years down the road. Luckily, New Jersey courts allow for modifications after a divorce has been finalized.
The factors that are typically determined in divorce can include child custody, child support, relocation, or spousal support. Sometimes when an arrangement is made, it seems like it will be the best option for the foreseeable future. Your circumstances may change and you might find it difficult to maintain the current arrangement. For example, if you are the spouse who makes spousal support payments each month but you lose your job and can no longer afford to make those payments, you may be able to bring this up with the court who may lower the payments. Another commonly seen situation is one in which the custodial parent wishes to move to a location that would make the other parent’s custody arrangement impossible to maintain. Perhaps instead of seeing the child every weekend, they would only see that parent throughout the summer months.
It is very important that you make sure that if any circumstances change in your life, you go through the court instead of just changing it on your own. If you fail to make these changes in the eyes of the law, you may find yourself in legal trouble down the road. If you have questions about modifying your child custody or child/spousal support payments, it is important that you consult with an experienced divorce and family law attorney who can assist you.
Paris P. Eliades Law Firm, LLC is honored to serve the people of New Jersey, including Sparta, Sussex County, Morris County, Passaic County, and Bergen County with the quality legal services they deserve. Contact our firm for a consultation today.